People and Process
Embarking on a content audit can be an overwhelming task. When you are setting out to do a content audit, it's tempting to look for tools to help. And there absolutely are tools that can help you quickly gather and organize data—even some that will do some analysis for you. But to focus on tools is to lose focus on the human element and the overall process. By setting clear goals and focusing on the people involved, you can ensure a successful outcome from your content audit.
Recognizing the Power of People in a Content Audit
A content audit involves more than just analyzing web pages against criteria; it involves individuals who set the business strategy, people who have created and managed the content, and of course the end users of that content. Understanding the value and impact of the audit on the people involved is crucial. By setting goals grounded in business and user needs and effectively communicating them, you can better engage and motivate your team, securing their support throughout the project and creating useful results.
The Process: Setting the Stage for Success
Before diving into the audit process, it's vital to lay a solid foundation. The following key steps help ensure a well-executed and people-centric content audit.
Establishing Context
Understand the larger project context, such as content management system migrations, redesigns, rebranding, or other initiatives that are triggering the need for the audit. Establishing that context insight allows you to align the goals, criteria, and timeline of the inventory and audit effectively.
Asking the Right Questions
Prior to starting the audit, take time to reflect on crucial questions:
Why are you auditing? Clearly articulate the reasons and triggers driving the need for an audit. This will help you rally support from stakeholders and ensure the project's value.
What do you need to learn? Define the specific insights you hope to gain from the audit. This clarity will guide your approach and enable you to focus on the most critical aspects.
What will you do with what you find? Establish a plan for how you'll utilize the findings from the audit. This proactive approach ensures that the audit leads to actionable outcomes and tangible improvements.
Emphasize People and Collaboration
A successful content audit is a team effort. Involve key stakeholders, content creators, and managers from various departments. Their diverse perspectives and expertise will enrich the audit process and drive better results. Foster open communication, encourage collaboration, and ensure everyone understands the goals and desired outcomes.
Align with Business Objectives
Remember that content exists within a larger business context. Connect the goals of the audit with core business and user objectives. By doing so, you'll highlight the direct impact content improvements can have on achieving overall business success.
Balance Resources
Recognize that conducting a content audit requires time, budget, and resources. Ensure you have the necessary support and allocate sufficient resources for the audit process, including selecting the right tools to support your efforts and enhance productivity. Proper planning and resource management will minimize stress and allow the team to focus on the audit's objectives effectively.
The human element and the process aspects play a pivotal role in the success of a content audit. By prioritizing people and setting clear goals upfront, you empower your team, foster collaboration and communication, and ensure everyone is aligned with the purpose and outcomes of the audit. Establish the context, ask the right questions, align with business objectives, and allocate resources wisely. By incorporating these people-centric practices, you'll pave the way for a successful content audit that drives meaningful insights, actionable outcomes, and, ultimately, a content strategy that aligns with your business goals.